Maritime Law

Jeff McNamara has been practicing Maritime law in Washington State since 1989 and working on cases originating in Alaska as a maritime expert since 1976. Mr. McNamara spent eight years working on deck as a crab fisherman and was on deck for twelve salmon seine seasons. Mr. McNamara has also placed maritime insurance for all types of commercial fishing vessels. As a lawyer Mr. McNamara has litigated, mediated and resolved maritime claims primarily from the Alaskan Crab and Salmon fisheries.

The McNamara Law Firm, has been providing aggressive and effective maritime representation since 1989. Mr. McNamara started working as a maritime expert in court in 1976.

We represent all types of Jones Act Seaman:

  • All deckhands, Crabbers, seiners, and all others.
  • Factory trawler deck hands
  • Shipboard Engineers and galley crew.
  • And other maritime workers associated with the vessel.


SEINING: 1974, 1975, 1976: Southeastern Alaska; Deckhand, cook, cork pile, web pile, led pile, vessel maintenance and net repair. F/V MISS JULIE, F/V CAPE CHACON. Summer season.

1974: Kodiak Alaska; Deckhand, cook, cork pile, lead pile maintenance and net repair. F/V NAKNEK MADE. Summer season.

1985, 1986, 1994, 1995: False Pass Alaska; Deckhand, second skiff/ man, cork pile, led pile, web pile, vessel maintenance and net repair. F/V MISS JULIE. Summer season.

  • ***Also fished Dutch Harbor, Herring Seine Fishery each False Pass Year on MISS JULIE and local chum salmon and hump salmon fisheries.

BRISTOL BAY DRIFT: 1987: Bristol Bay, Alaska; Deckhand on Bristol Bay, Gillnett vessel. F/V OUTSIDER. Summer season.

BERING SEA CRAB FISHING: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981: Alaska; Deckhand, cook, engineer, deckboss, on crab fishing vessels including all responsibilities in vessel preparation, gear building, shipyard maintenance, navigation, all deck work at sea in crab fisheries of red and blue king crab and tanner and opillio crab (bairdi), Seasons. F/V STARFISH, F/V PACIFIC MIST, F/V PACIFIC MARINER, F/V NORTH PACIFIC, F/V KEVLEEN K, F/V POLAR SEA, F/V HUSKY*, F/V VIKING EXPLORER**.

  • * (Summer seasons salmon tendering=Same vessel Prince William Sound, Bristol Bay, Alaska)
  • **(Mid winter herring tendering= Togiak, Alaska)


**This section is for other maritime attorneys who are seeking to retain an expert in a maritime lawsuit and require a written report.

Maritime Expert Retainer and Report for Litigation: $6,000.00

Hourly Rate: $400.00: Vessel Inspections / Depositions / Review of Opposing Experts/ Rate at trial $2,000.00 per day.


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