Corporate Counsel Mission Statement: McNamara Law office focuses on tech sector and corporate clients providing deep experience in general counsel services, transactional, insurance, overall risk management and litigation management.
Since 1989 clients have been provided with counsel that has been directly engaged in corporate start up through all growth stages and that has been retained as named litigation counsel.
McNamara Law Office can be retained as general outside counsel to advise on an hourly, monthly or annual contract basis that is affordable and can meet the needs of any small to mid-sized corporate client.
McNamara Law Office has been retained since 1989 to perform the following:
Answer legal questions and provide legal memoranda, draft agreements, outsource other experts, retain and direct other legal counsel, review insurance contracts, advise-negotiate claims, advise CEO and officers, assist on corporate purchases,
Manage the company’s set or developing Intellectual Property with IP counsel and Patent and Trade Office for protection and the pursuit of PTO registration and monitor IP for intrusions and negotiation of IP space with competition.
Utilize insurance background to assist in obtaining coverage, purchase appropriate coverage forms and act as overall risk manager for the company. Negotiate disputes to avoid litigation and negotiate and draft workable solutions.
Negotiate the purchase and sale of a mid size company, retain experts for corporate modeling and investment bankers for sale, negotiate expert fees, negotiate manage and review all values for client, review all documents for completion of sale, review for signature and complete sale. 2005-Completion of corporate sale-$14 million
Oversee and provide legal counsel regarding foreign incorporations and accounts, foreign properties, foreign contracts and negotiations, foreign property and risk management, and counsel to corporate executives providing services to foreign corporations.
Appear as retained litigation counsel or oversee and manage litigation strategy for the client and review legal positions, litigation costs and outcome.
Advise on corporate development and corporate purchases of real property, investment assets, risk investments, trusts and estate planning, trust management, LLC management, property management, and international executive management.
Negotiate or review transactional matters and determine corporate goals and required implementation as the company grows. Twenty years advising on contracts with Hotel-Casino operators and insurance brokers in Las Vegas on behalf of conference clients.
General Litigation: Avoidance and Survival-Confidential Executive Matters:
Mr. McNamara has been involved in litigation matters since 1989 and has appeared as named litigation counsel in Federal District Court, Washington State Superior Court and District and Municipal courts in King County. McNamara Law Office is focused on small to mid sized corporations and executive-owners. Litigation avoidance and strong negotiation skills are utilized to help smaller companies and their owners survive and thrive in competition, negotiation or litigation with larger multi national corporations.
Mr. McNamara has been retained in all types of corporate and executive related matters since 1989 that include, defense of all types of lawsuits, motion practice, and trials including but not limited to creditor rights, corporate litigation, out of state litigation, death cases, entertainment asset litigation, trusts and estate litigation, construction litigation, intellectual property litigation, onsite negotiation during disputes, and asset division and pre-marriage planning negotiations for clients.
Call: Jeffrey C. McNamara, Esq., (206) 351-7596
Address: ESQ. 51 West Dayton Street, Edmonds, WA, 98020
Or: email at